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TOPIC: It is a shame, but....

It is a shame, but.... 3 years 1 month ago #498

  • femina
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...... there is a silver lining in this madness all around me. Everyone can see by now, how undeadly this Corona virus for most of us really is, because the death rate is low despite the high infection rate. Of course, governments cannot admit it since they would be guilty for the damage they cause with their lockdown orders. But worse, they can never admit that they are no capable leaders to serve their country to start with, being just power stricken puppets in the hand of a few intelligent manipulators who push their own agenda upon the unsuspecting crowd. But I am looking for the silver lining, because there always is one, and there are always two sides to a coin. So what is the silver lining? It is the "Spring Cleaning"! The getting rid of rubbish! Unfortunately, not the way I would like it to be, or as it should be. But a clean-up it is and it includes getting rid of people too. There are too many of them, isn't it? Spoiling the good life one could have, if the cake does not have to be shared with too many others. Getting rid of useless people, and why not of nature and wild animals too? The world can do so much better without them. All this billions who need to be fed, all this land and water, harboring treasures that would go further without them, and these wild animals that tear you to pieces or overrun you, when you let them! No, no, no! It is so much better to have just a few stupid people, who than serve you without too many demands and who are happy to have their ration of food, you give them to keep them happy and fit for the work they need to do. It is also so much better, to use up Earth's resources for things worthwhile like technological progress to serve your life style. There is plenty until all humans have to leave this planet and settle in a new world of plenty. Until then one can have beautiful parks and gardens, manicured and free of thistles and creepy crawlies spoiling the picnic. And what are animals good for? You only need to keep them for food. Virtual reality is so much better, because you do not have to endure the heat of the sun, the storms or rains and wind and loose leaves, let alone insects. All you need are special farms that guarantee your food supply. Sharks in the ocean, thanks, no need for them either, because fish you can farm too and swimming in your own crystal clear backyard pool is so much better than being troubled by stingers and other nasty things. You can create your own nature pad, where you can go to satisfy all your desires, like hunting, fishing, sports of any kind. Because you got the world cleaned up and empty, now you can fill it up with the things you really want.
Question: Who do you think will belong to this privileged few to live in this perfect "brave new world"? Well, it is not you, not me, I can assure you, and not your children either. In the end, with artificial intelligence that can think for it self there is in fact no need for people at all. Indeed, a brave new world! So good to know there is the silver lining which in this case is Mother Nature taking care of herself. The privileged few miscalculate their power while underestimating nature. It will hit them like a hammer. So glad to know too that I will be long gone before that, because it won't be pretty, snapping for air without oxygen supply. It will be the COVID disaster for all of them.
Last Edit: 3 years 2 weeks ago by femina.
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